Meet Dr. Chan Hai Feng, Founder and CEO of CLEA

Disruptr: Dr. Chan Hai Feng, Founder and CEO of CLEA

What inspired him?

  • I have seen many faces that have longed for medical related help. Be it those who seek professional consultation, or to simply talk. Anyone would want a Doctor to be close to them, support them, knows them and be beside them at all times.
  • But we are all confined to some extend of physical and geographical constraints, limited to circumstances, time and entities. But, what if with technology we can do more? The idea is to make CLEADOC into a professional and lifestyle solution for preventive health with all possible tech, make healthcare work for you. In short, placing a ‘Doctor friend’ beside you at all times.

What has the journey been like?

  • “Running a startup is like eating glass” quoted Sean Parker, I agreed with this saying, however the journey will always be rewarding if a company’s value revolves around users all the time. The healthcare industry is very complicated, but users are not and should not be. The hardest part is to combine knowledge and structure it carefully by the best designs, extensive UX, then allow the two worlds to connect.
  • Along the way you have to allow yourself to be immersive towards the fluidity of possibilities, which we Doctors operates quite the contrary. Healthcare is a process of lengthy rectification, evidence, accuracy and decision. But tailor it on the fabric of digital platforms, many new randomness will occur and we have to provide certainty. I’m glad that we are able to inspire the best talents to improve lives.

Biggest achievement and what is one regret that you wish you had or had not done?

  • I’ve managed to build a company that allows non-doctors to help numerous lives without any restrictions. It’s always the higher purpose, and I’m proud of this. We Doctors see the realism of life everyday and it’s too fragile and short to have regrets, and I think I have none.

Where do you see yourself in the next 1 year?

  • Creating new products and services along with the vision of democratising healthcare, have fun and live the moment.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

  • I see our ventures having successful inventions, impacting lives across the globe, upholding humanity.

What keeps you going to keep running the business?

  • The benefit of having a healthcare company is that the company is always fuelled by the purpose of helping lives. That suggests a great life mission for everyone, including me. The question is how to help more, and scale the sheer impact of our solutions regardless of boundaries and limitations, for everyone. I like running businesses as I love the process of creation, working with great talents and keep myself updated with the shortcomings of any part of respective distribution process that might be fixable. I also love the concept of investing time and resources towards ground breaking inventions. It keeps me fresh and progressive.

What is one local startup you would like to work together with and why?

  • Well there’s so many we want to work with, because co-building is the way forward. We welcome all partners to add value and the other way round for us to make the digital healthcare scene flourish.

Who is one founder (local or international) that you look up to?

  • I’m a relatively objective person, and I would say Robert Kwok as his words and life experiences resonates with mine, and I think we think alike.

Why should investors invest in your social enterprise?

  • CLEADOC is self-sustaining and if there ever a time we needed funding, it would be we are so ready to scale to other countries. Else we stay optimistic and comfortable about our financial projections.



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